Lets see, what's been going on lately?
- I scheduled the second portion of the A+ certification exam for this Thursday. If the difficulty of this exam is on par with the first portion, I have already passed.
- All of the interns are going to a Tigers game on Tuesday. I have only been to a handful of baseball games in my life and this will be the first time I have gone to the new stadium. Honestly, I hope all the money that is being dumped into Detroit does some good. Compuware is moving their headquarters down there, we have the casinos now, Ford Field will be the new home of the Lions, etc etc. Time will tell, as will the census. If the population reaches a million again, that is a good sign.
- I saw UFC 38 last night. The only fight that was truly interesting was Genki Sudo versus Leigh Remedios. Sudo came out looking like a WWE wrestler, so I already hated him. When the fight started, he was throwing out taunts like candy and just acting cocky. Turns out, this ploy worked as it threw off Remedios' game. Sudo finished him with a lightning fast rear naked choke. Now I like this guy.
- Speaking of UFCs and Detroit, Chris was telling me that the one that was held in Detroit was a complete disgrace. To allow the fights in Michigan, there could be no punching. How is that mixed martial arts? The pay-per-view numbers were *halved* for the next UFC. Good job, Detroit. The tag line for UFC 38 was "Brawl in the Hall", as it was held at Royal Albert Hall in the UK. Chris and Marty couldn't remember the tag line for the Detroit UFC, so we decided it had to be "Motor City Mayhem", "Motown Showdown" or "D-town Beatdown". So cheesy.