« Home | Lets see, what's been going on lately?I scheduled ... » | Speaking of speed, my typing speed is now over 80 ... » | So, I passed the A+ hardware exam. This exam is s... » | It's funny, the more things that happen in my pers... » | I just renewed bibik.org at godaddy.com. Why goda... » | Well kids, yesterday was the 4th of July and what ... » | I finally broke down and signed up for the A+ hard... » | Music makes me cry and I can't help but smile when... » | I finally broke down and decided that my Ann Arbor... » | I might be selling my laptop soon. (Thanks, but I ... »

I *love* worthless data! While writing an email, I scanned my desk and observed that there were more empty cans of Diet Pepsi than of Diet Coke. My tastes are changing (in so many ways). Curioius as to what was the most popular "soft drink", I found this data:

Beverage         Share of Volume

Coca-Cola Classic          19.8%

Pepsi                      13.5%

Diet Coke                   8.7%

Mountain Dew                6.7%

Sprite                      6.4%

Dr Pepper                   6.0%

Diet Pepsi                  5.0%

Seven-Up                    1.8%

Caffeine Free Diet Coke     1.7%

Minute Maid Reg. & Diet     1.4%